Turtle sex noises

Why Giant Tortoise Sex Became the Basis of a Key 'Game of Thrones' Sound  Effect


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Daily Mail

The velociraptors in Jurassic Park were 'voiced' by tortoises having SEX: Sound designer reveals secrets of the film's effects

NOAA Fisheries

To Tag a Sea Turtle: A Look Behind the Scenes

Kure Beach

Protecting Our Sea Turtles: Dedicated Volunteers Ensure a Safe Haven for Visiting Sea Turtles in Carolina Beach, Kure Beach & Fort Fisher

AZ Animals

Wood Turtle Animal Facts


Wait, Jurassic Park Has Turtle Sex Sound Effects?

The Cut

Horny Tortoise Saves Entire Species Via Sex

mac marzolini

Chelydra serpentina serpentina

Reptiles Time

Turtles Fighting

Tortoise Owner

How Tortoises Communicate: Tort Sounds, Scents & Posture

The Maryland Zoo


Turtle Voice

how do turtles show affection to humans?

Tortoise Owner

Do Pet Tortoises And Turtles Show Affection?

Scientific American

Vertebrates May Have Used Vocal Communication More Than 100 Million Years Earlier Than We Thought