Moms impregnated by sons



Mom in Utah Pregnant with Her Son's Child at 56

Pulse Nigeria

Woman set to marry son who impregnated her in Zimbabwe

Infotrust News

Teenage Son Impregnates Step Mum

Love What Matters

Are you going to give your adopted son back, since you're going to have your own child?' Ummm nope.': Mom declares 'adoption is not what impregnated me,' enraged strangers would assume he's '

The Reflector News

Devastated Mother Narrates How Her 17

Mother Admits to Affair, Pregnancy by 15

Daily Advent Nigeria

7 Years Ago I Got My Best Friend's Mom Pregnant"

NBC News

To help gay son, 61

Face2Face Africa

I'm sorry'


What would happen if a son made a baby with his biological mother?


mother and son are in love and vow to have a baby

Daily Mail

Pregnant mother, 26, walks into traffic holding her two

The Mirror

Woman, 35, pregnant with 20

PM News Nigeria

Mother of Incest: Man arrested for being dad of mom's 3 kids, another son at large