Kiwi twins nude

Meet the Cast of Naked and Afraid of Sharks 2

NZ Herald

Naked and Afraid: Kiwi twins from Waiuku on being abandoned on a deserted island

Reality Titbit

The Wild Twins on Naked and Afraid are still exploring the world

Daily Mail

Twins spent 21 days naked in African jungle armed with bow and arrow for reality tv

Daily Star

Twins take on extreme nude survival challenge in African wilderness


Kiwi Twins Encounter Hyena, Leopard, and Rhino During the Night!

Daily Mail

Twins spent 21 days naked in African jungle armed with bow and arrow for reality tv

NZ Herald

Naked and Afraid: Kiwi twins from Waiuku on being abandoned on a deserted island


Wild' Kiwi women take on South African jungle in Naked and Afraid TV show


Freak accident inspires Kiwi twins to challenge themselves in nature

Discovery Channel

Twin Takeover

Kiwi twins bare all for reality series Naked And Afraid

Discovery Channel

Meet the Cast of Naked and Afraid of Sharks 2


Naked and Afraid" Twinning (TV Episode 2020)


Naked and Afraid" Twinning (TV Episode 2020)