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Vol 53, 2001

C1 Inhibitor Serpin Domain Structure Reveals the Likely Mechanism of Heparin Potentiation and Conformational Disease

Journal of Biomedical Science

Structural and biological insights into Klebsiella pneumoniae surface polysaccharide degradation by a bacteriophage K1 lyase: implications for clinical use

Wiley Online Library

A Glycosyltransferase Inhibitor from a Molecular Fragment Library Simultaneously Interferes with Metal Ion and Substrate Binding

C1 Inhibitor Serpin Domain Structure Reveals the Likely Mechanism of Heparin Potentiation and Conformational Disease

Calgary Herald from Calgary, Alberta, Canada on February 22, 1918 · 2



Wiley Online Library

A Glycosyltransferase Inhibitor from a Molecular Fragment Library Simultaneously Interferes with Metal Ion and Substrate Binding

Characterization of the DNA Binding Domain of StbA, A Key Protein of A New Type of DNA Segregation System

Structure of a Therapeutic Full

Wiley Online Library

A Glycosyltransferase Inhibitor from a Molecular Fragment Library Simultaneously Interferes with Metal Ion and Substrate Binding

Characterization of the DNA Binding Domain of StbA, A Key Protein of A New Type of DNA Segregation System

Journal of Biomedical Science

Structural and biological insights into Klebsiella pneumoniae surface polysaccharide degradation by a bacteriophage K1 lyase: implications for clinical use

C1 Inhibitor Serpin Domain Structure Reveals the Likely Mechanism of Heparin Potentiation and Conformational Disease

Journal of Biomedical Science

Structural and biological insights into Klebsiella pneumoniae surface polysaccharide degradation by a bacteriophage K1 lyase: implications for clinical use